What to expect when engaging AaronDennis

By: Aaron Dennis

Here’s what to expect when you engage AaronDennis in a new project. We’re laying down some of our process to prepare you for our gold star treatment! Of course, if you have any questions, just drop us a line and we’ll be glad to have a chat.

>> Initial Contact

“It all started with a swipe”… Okay, so we don’t need to swipe right to start a discussion, just a quick simple message to us here: Get in touch. You can email us, call us, or just pop your details into our handy little form and we’ll be sure to set something up quicker than ITV calling a recouping on Love Island.

When you get in touch, let us know a bit about you and what you and of course, let us know what you’re looking for. If you’re not quite sure, that’s fine, just let us know.

>> Brief Discovery Call

Once you let us know that we’re on your shortlist, we’ll set up a short discovery call. No need to worry too much about the content of this call, it’s not like an interview. We’re looking to get to know you a bit better, know your company, your passion for your company and explore what you’re after.

On this call, we’ll delve into what you currently have and take some notes so that we’re up to speed.

>> Proposal

Next up, proposal time, we’ll let you know how long this will take in the discovery call. Our proposals are our promise and quote to you. We won’t just give you a quote, we’ll give you our background and explain in easily to understand, jargon free terms what we can do for you.

We don’t do work without issuing a proposal, our proposals ensure that we’re both on the same page and understand what we’re about to embark on together.

>> The go-ahead

Once you receive your proposal, are happy with it and want to engage us, drop us an email and we’ll get you sign our proposal online which kick starts our working together.

>> Project Setup

As soon as the proposal is signed, we’re ready to get going with our project setup. We use a mixture of things to track our clients and projects, and we’re sure that you’ll love our process when you start. All of our services are a collaborative effort, you’re the expert in your business and we’re here to help you on the way.

We’ll get you setup with your own private client tracking page.

>> Design Stage

Once you’re all setup, we start the design stage, this is where the fun really starts. Your client page will allow you to upload your ideas, mood boards, websites and assets that you love, your pictures and more. This is what we use to start your design.

We take your concepts, likes and dislikes into account when we start our research and our research alongside the information you provide helps us to start the build. Once the build is underway we’ll be in touch when we need to for clarification and feedback.

>> First Draft

The really exciting stage, your vision brought to life for the first time. We’ll give you the main event, your test run of your new website, you’ll put it through it’s paces to the max. We work on 100% true feedback, if you don’t like something, you’re not hurting out feelings, just tell us. Our aim is to make something that you love and we’re over the moon with – without honest, true feedback, we can’t do that.

>> Subsequent Drafts

This is as long or as short as you need. We’ll keep tweaking and changing things until you have the website for you. We don’t put time limits on things and work as quickly as the feedback comes in. Though we’re sure with our research and your input, we’ll be on the page.

>> Go-live

How exciting, your vision brought to life in front of your eyes. We’ll help guide on your journey to go-live, we can help with fully branded announcements for social media and more. During the go-live stage we’ll provide you with full training and support in the early days. We also promise to make sure that your site goes live without a hitch.

>> On-going support

One thing about AaronDennis, we never build and run, we build and create lasting relationships with you. We’re always here for help and support and website management to get you on your way. We choose our clients wisely, and by that, we mean that we choose clients who are on our wave length of success. True collaboration requires understanding and we work day and night to ensure that our relationship is 100.

Aaron Dennis

Hi, I’m Aaron Dennis, founder of Aaron Dennis. With over 15 years experience helping small companies with their online presence, we want to help you.

Ready to have a chat?

Pop us a message to have a no obligation chat about your online presence and how we might be able to help.

Making small businesses successful online for over 10 years.